Rhea has a name, because of course she does, she was my first 🙂 The first pothos cutting I grew on a moss pole, after moving back to America and losing my plant baby to the TSA. I took her as a cutting off of a beautiful pot of Epipremnum Aureum I bought from the grocery store. I have a few cuttings from this same plant thriving now as healthy individuals… but Rhea is the most spectacular. Each leaf she spits out is bigger and more wonderful than the last, the biggest pothos leaves I’ve ever seen indoors (in person). But today, the few leaves that were there when she was still just a cutting had finally whithered- whether from lack of sunlight or overwatering, I do not know, but she was already growing too tall for the UV lights I supplement her with. So I decided it was finally time to repot her.

First, I removed the leaves that were on the lowest part of her stem, about four or five. Then I used wire cutters to snip the plastic free and removed as much of the moss as I could without disturbing her roots. I wrapped them around inside a new pot and put fresh soil on top. She is now a third shorter, with more room to grow her roots as well as continuing her vertical ascent.

The small plant on the upper left is part of the same exact plant I took Rhea from. The magic of a moss pole!